But I really don't know why cockroach so like to come visit me.
I even dream about cockroach fly over me and bite me. So disgusting.
I'm wondering why the cockroach so desperate until our office so many of cockroach and keep biting our document. Even paper it also want to eat!!!!!!
I'm really so beh tahan and felt disgusting and so hate cockroach.
and then, my colleague bought this thingy to trap the cockroach.
We put a little biscuits in this thing to attract the cockroach come over so that it will step on it and stick on it.
So, we left it there for one night and we came back the next day.
Well, the next day, we saw this.
Oh no. Disgust ever.
I really wish to catch over all the cockroach up, but I don't dare.
This trap isn't cheap at all.
We cant keep on using this because it is quite costly.
Can someone help me please????
For your information:
*2 pieces RM5*
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