

Once a year, it's my 24 years old birthday. Oops, getting older and older. :(
This year celebration, different celebration, as usual, i got cg to celebrate with me, the one will always there for me whenever i need them.
Different thingy were, i got my colleague to celebrate with and also someone that special and important in my life to celebrate with. Yeah, he is my boyfie. XD Never realised my life is on the step to step growing up.

Birthday is actually just a birthday, nothing special or very serious matter that need a very big celebration. It is just 24 years ago when i came to this world and with God's grace and God's love, i grew happily and healthily until now, 24 years old.
I give thanks for what i have, and never require too much, as long as i got YOU. But this doesn't mean i don't need others oh, i will appreciate :)
Thanks for what you guys had done and thanks for becoming my angel.

1 John 4:19
We love, because HE first loved us.

For your information:
*S.Wine around RM70++ for 2 person*

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