Finally, i got extra time for my blog.
I wish to jot down all the happenings in my blog so that i can recall back my memory when i back to Malaysia.
But i know blogging need some commitment as i know im a lazy person and im not sure either i got that extra time or not, but i will try myself to keep my blog full with Sheffield Happenings :D
GoodBye Malaysia and Hi Abu Dhabi
Goodbye Abu Dhabi and Hi Manchester.
Goodbye Manchester and Hi Sheffield.
Finally, we arrived Sheffield.
It was really really long way to go.
but, thanks God, finally we arrived Sheffield in peace and in joy.
We had welcomed by crew of Sheffield Hallam University.
(Luckily we didn't lost)=D
Thanks to SHU for coaches provided so that we can save some money and energy and get arrive in our hostel XD
My court------->Bramall Court
Actually Bramall is not bad for me, but too bad, my room is located on the highest floor.
Can you imagine each of us carry a luggage around 30++ kg up to forth floor?
OH NO!!!!
i cant imagine it but~~~
i really thanks God because there were angels provided.
two strong man had helped us on carry our luggage to our room.
Really thanks for their kindness and sorry because forth floor is not a joke. Haha.
Once we settled our room, we get our own stuff from the site office.
Our stuff including a pot, a pan, a plate, a bowl, a set of utensils, and a mug.
Besides that, we had also got our blanket, pillow and also bed sheet.
So that is for my day 1 and i never eat my dinner because im just too tired and sleepy after on plane for 14 hours.
My Room----> My Kitchen----> small Living Room just right beside kitchen =D
Is Monday today :D
We got our orientation on today.
Start from 10 am until 5pm.
So dont need to worry what to do for today. Hehe
I got a lot of brochure from SHU.
Such as party, tour and etc.
All of these makes me felt like I'm here for fun neither study. Haha.
Anyway, I really hope I can manage my time XD
(saw disney party?maybe i can dress up myself as Tigger~)haha
Is Tuesday today :D
I got a class on today, PASBD (Professional Accounting Skills for Business Decisions)
It is from 2pm to 4pm.
Cant remember today happenings @.@
Is Wednesday today :D
Today i got no class :D:D:D
But actually i plan to do my bank account at uni, but because it is too much people doing the same thing with me, so we had decided to change it to another day.
Since my plan is postponed, so we got nothing to do and thus we went back home for lunch and dinner.
Is so funny because it is my very first time to cook at my hostel.
My rice almost hangus but thanks God because it is still eatable. Haha.
We had cabbage as our lunch XD
For dinner, we ate brocoli and tom yam soup~
woohoo~i felt the satisfy of having hot soup in such cold weather.
Is Thursday today :D
Today is not a good day for me :(
It is because i got whole day class start from 9am until 4pm.
It is continuously until i got no time for my lunch :(
So *dislike*.
anyway, our dinner spaghetti :D
Spaghetti here is really extremely ridiculously cheap. Haha.
That's why every senior say u can eat spaghetti everyday because it is really cheap.
Is Friday today :D
Is a good day because i got no class *again* for today. Wahaha.
So we plan to do for our bank account, Barclays XD
I managed to capture this outside the Barclays Bank.
Pretty huh?Seriously, i think this is pretty *wink*
thanks God because we managed to get appointment on 4pm.
After done our appointment, we rush back to the uni to do our medical registration.
Medical registration is for student those sick or ill, go to hospital for free.
So, is a MUST to do this =D
Lunch today is Fish & Chips which located inside the Castle Market and only cost £3.
and we shared our dinner tonight=D
A lot of us XD
a bit terrible~haha
Saturday, weekend!!
Happy Day because all of us dont have class for today.
Today is York trip and everyone had go for that, but Yier and I didnt go for that =D
Actually plan to go Meadowhall, but but but T.T
something happened and make us cant go to Meadowhall, so just forget about it XD
Both of us watched drama for whole day and do nothing XD
Although is quite bored, but both of us enjoying do nothing. Haha
Sunday, and it is a enjoyable day=D
Went to church nearby here and only few minutes walk.
I forget to take some picture and will try to get it next week=D
One week past and welcoming another week.
Today already Thursday :(
Time past so fast and i just done a presentation today.
Tomorrow is my holiday!
haha..gonna enjoy my break 9 9 =D
Don't miss me too much although i know you will XD
(please stay tune for my next post)