First day of my exam will be on Wednesday:)haha..
and im stress-freeeeeee now...
maybe will got it when countdown two days..haha..
anyway, I'm here to show-off some of my things:)
that's my snacks~~
due to my exams, i stock some snacks at my house so that i can have it when im doing revision.
Do you guys know that, snacks can released stress?
aha~that's my thinking. but seriously, It really helps.
so muchie ar~~~..haha..
of course not all belongs to me.
I shared it with my friends. anyway, that's still a lot:)
it's damn cheap because we get it from retailers.
Besides, we also got ourselves dominos pizza on Monday..
woohoo..three of us(Yier,Ying, and Lian) really really so enjoy during exam period ne..
this is so cheap and only cost us RM40 for all.
this much more nicer compared to another branded pizza. *fall-in-love*
how nice if Bintulu got one domino.
I should get the franchise...haha..joking only:)
and lastly, i want to show another tidbits that i loved and i got it last night:)
that is.....taaadaaaa~~Hello Panda Strawberry flavour.

This only cost me RM14.(one tin) cheap huh?So must get it!!!!
oh gosh, i got so much snacks and u guys can guess how i will become after my exam end.
hahaha..anyway,im just enjoy eating my snacks.
and wish me GoodLuck and God bless my revision and also my exam:)
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